About Search Engine

Search engines are the special websites that provide facility to Internet users to search information on the Internet.

             A lot of information is available on the Internet in different websites. There are billions of websites on the Internet. The Internet users only browse the important website addresses.

The other website addresses can be searched through search engines. The search engines keep the record of website addresses along with important words for description of each web page.

For example, if you want to get information about the “History of Internet”, give these words to any search engine. The search engine will search the given information and will provide a list of links of websites along with brief description about each website.

Click one of the links of websites after reading the description.

The commonly used search engines and their URL addresses are:

GOOGLE http://www.google.com
YAHOO http://www.yahoo.com 
ALTA VISTA http://www.altavista.com
ASK http://www.ask.com
EXCITE http://www.excite.com
INFOSEEK http://www.infoseek.com LYCOS http://www.lycos.com

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