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DOS 6 point 22 internal commands
DOS 6.22 internal commands DOS (Disk Operating System) has 2 type of commands.
1. Internal DOS Commands.
2. External DOS Commands.
In this article I am going to explain only DOS 6.22 internal commands.
DOS 6.22 based on 3 files.
1. Config.sys
3. Io.sys
If you have these 3 files then DOS will boot using these 3 files.
These are called DOS 6.22 booting or boot files.
All internal commands place in file.
Dot com extension is executable in DOS 6.22.
here are few DOS internal commands list.
Command Explanation and usage
DIR: This command is used to display the list of files in current directory or folder.
TIME: This command is used to display and change current system time.
DATE: This command is used to display and change current system date.
CLS: Clear the screens.
RENAME: Rename a file.
DEL or ERASE: Delete one or multiple files.
COPY: Copy one or multiple files.
MOVE: Move one or multiple
MD or MKDIR: Create new directory or folder.
CD or CHDIR: Change current folder or directory path.
RD or RMDIR: Remove an empty folder or directory.
PROMPT: To view or change current dos prompt.
VOL: To view hard disk volume or label.
ECHO: To display a message (DOS variables can be use with this command.)
SET: To view or change DOS variables list.
GOTO: To jump the cursor but only in Batch programming.
IF: To check condition but only in Batch programming.
PAUSE: To pause the process normally used in Batch programming.
VER: Displays the DOS version information. TYPE Display the contents of a file.
CALL: To call other file in Batch programming.
The Breif History Of Internet
The Internet is the network of networks around the world.
It is made up of thousands of smaller, national, regional, governmental, academic and commercial networks.
It is a global network. Information can be communicated from one city (or country) to another through Internet.
You can access information all over the work. More than two billion people around the world use the Internet daily for different purposes.
For example, to communicate with other people around the world, access information and latest news around the world etc.
The computers are the main components through which information can be electronically sent and received from one location to another.
For this purpose, a special device called modem is also used with computer and then computer is attached with the telephone line. The modem sends and receives the information over telephone lines. You must have an Internet connection of any local ISP (Internet Service Provider) to share the information on Internet.
The telephone lines, fiber-optic cables, satellite communications are the main media of communications that are used to connect to the Internet.
Today Internet is a global web of nearly one million computer networks. Internet host computers are connected to the Internet round the clock.Brief History of Internet:
The Internet was started in 1969 by the defense department of USA. Later, it was handed over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The DARPA launched the first Internet program. The DARPA established a network of 4 computers and named as ARPANet.
The idea of computer networking soon became popular. Several universities & research organizations developed their own computer networks. They joined their networks to ARPANet. The ARPANet became the network of networks. This network of computer networks was named as Internet.
In 1986 the National Science Foundation (NSF), another federal agency of USA, established a network and named as NSFNet. It was established for academic purpose and was accessible to everyone. Later, it was expanded all over the country and large number of universities and research centers were connected to this network.
Network Backbone:
The inner structure of the Internet works much like a transportation system. The main communication lines carry the heaviest amount of traffic on the Internet. These communication lines are referred to as Internet backbone. It can also be defined as:
The central structure or element of the network, which connects other elements of the network and handles the major traffic, is called the backbone. The backbone is a high-speed element. It is the major communication link that ties Internet servers across wide geographical areas.
How the Internet works?
It must be noted that there is no particular organization that controls the Internet. Different networks of private companies, government agencies, research organizations, universities etc. are interconnected together. You can say that the Internet is a huge collection of millions of computers, all linked together on a computer network. The network allows all of the computers to communicate with one another.
Accessing the Internet
The Internet can be accessed through different ways to send and receive information.
The most popular methods are:
Connecting through Modem
Connecting through a LAN
Connecting through high-speed lines