Installation on ZTE ZXDSL 831D Modem

PTCL introduces DSL service for our valued subscribers. We are committed toprovide you quality internet services. Please follow the installation instructions andlog on to your ADSL broadband link. 

Step 1: Connecting to the Splitter, Power Connection & LAN cable.

1 Line hole connects to PTCL wire or Wall phone Jack (RJ-11 Jack).

2 Modem hole connects to the DSL jack of the ADSL CPE (Customer PremisesEquipment).

3 Phone hole connects to a telephone set.

4 Connect the Power Adapter to the AC power plug and attach the connector ofadapter to the CPE and switch it on.

5 Attach one end of LAN wire (RJ-45) to the LAN interface of CPE and the otherend to the LAN wire to the LAN interface of computer’s LAN card.

6 Link Indicator lights will lit up and show the connectivity. ADSL light will startblinking and soon will be static as a sign of connectivity with our system, if theline is properly jumpered in PTCL premises with the DSLAM (DigitalSubscriber Line Access Multiplexer). Joint less and direct cable line from thenearest PTCL pole or cabinet must be connecting to your splitter and then allthe phone extensions must be taken from the phone hole of splitter. The Dropwire distance from PTCL pole or Cabinet must not be ideally more than 50meters. (Twisted pair wire can be longer)

Step 2: ADSL Configuration in CPE and Computer

1. Go to Start Menu < Control Panel < Network and Internet Connections < NetworkConnections. Check that the Local Area Connection is enabled. Right click localArea network and click properties. Following window will be shown

2. Double click “internet protocol (TCP/IP)”, Check “Use the following IPaddress” and make the following settings:IP Address: Mask:, check “Use the following DNS server addresses” and makethe following settings:Preferred DNS Server: DNS Server:

3. Now open Internet Explorer and write “” in address bar and pressenter. There must not be any proxy setting in the internet Explorer.A small pop up window will open as shown in the figure below and ask ”User Name”and “Password” for opening the CPE’s interface.Enter User Name: ZXDSL and Password: ZXDSL and press OK.Note: “Both username & password must be written in capital letters.

4. CPE configuration will be opened. This will show Modem Status. Click theConnection Setting.

5. Connection Settings show current active connection as shown in the figure. Clickcreate new connection service

6. In create new connection window. Select “PPP over Ethernet”

7. Enter VPI=0 and VCI=103 for Copper number & VPI=8 and VCI=81 for ONU FiberOptics number. Select Authentication protocol as “PAP” and enter username andPassword. Click “Create this new service” 

 8. Now Connection settings window will be opened and shows current activeconnections.

9. Click Advance settings and then on Security .Security Interface Configuration isshown. Click Add Interface.

10.Following figure will be shown. Click Apply.

11. Security Interface Configuration will be opened. Click Enable NAT to interface.

12. Click System Settings and then on DHCP Server. In DHCP Server Configuration,Click on Enable DHCPServer and Apply.

14.Click on ADSL. ADSL Configuration Window will be opened. Select Standard:G.DmtBisPlus and ActiveLine: Start. Click Startup.

15. Click Maintenance and then on save. In save configuration, click save.

16. Finally, save configuration will be completed showing the following window.  

17. Now restart the Router. Click on Restart 

18. Go again to Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties and Select Obtain an IP addressautomatically and leave the DNS server addresses unchanged as shown in the picturebelow and press OkNow, open the Internet Explorer and start browsing the sites for successful configuration andDSL connection establishment.

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