How to Get Your Website Indexed Quickly in Google ?

This is the most common question people when they start their website.

       They wait to for weeks to get their site indexed on Google Search Engine.
When you launched a new website it does take few days to get it indexed.

I can guess many of you want to have your website Quickly indexed on Google Search. 

To get indexed quickly in Google Search you have to follow some Quick & Easy steps.

So follow these steps to get indexed quickly:

* Post in any popular, open registration forum with the page or URL in there.
Since the Google bot is always crawling the forum, the chances are good it will find your link through your post.

* Submit your sitemap in Google Webmaster Tools. Submitting a sitemap is telling Google that your site is “crawler friendly,” and mapped out.

* Submit your site or page to Digg and Social Bookmark Sites like or These social networks have large influence with Google.

* Set up a blog on your domain, even if you don’t like blogging. Blogs allow convenient pinging of the search engines. By posting a few posts and pinging Google, you invite the Google bot to check out your site, which will hasten indexing, often within a few days or less.

The blog can be removed later, once your site or page has been indexed.

Based on my observations, there are certain types of domains (usually in certain “dubious” niches), that have a tougher time getting indexed, even though they may not be blacklisted at all.