Watch Episode on iPhone|iPod is an unique video sharing service designed for creators of user-generated content that focuses on “episodic content” or “shows” and “series”, rather than viral video, in the cases such as Youtube.

With the popularity of mobile devices, especially iPhone and iPod, also has special file formats that cater for viewers from iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch and other portable media players.

                  Other than the usual drop down menu or links to select appropriate file formats for various device, there is even a simpler method to browse, visit, download, view and watch video clips from on iPhone and iPod.

For users who have been following favorite episodes on, just add /rss/ipod or /rss/itunes to the end of a show URL (link location) in order to watch the video on iPhone or iPod.

For example, “” should be typed as “”.

Adding the suffix will show the the RSS feed for the channel customized to fit the targeted device, which allows user to view and see all available videos in the show easily.

Play YouTube Video At A Specific Time

There are thousands of interesting video clips available at the YouTube video sharing site.

Of course! you can’t deny there are many pretty long and boring clips amongst the interesting ones. When you come across interesting clips, it is always a pleasure to share with friends and others the video extract.

But it could be a waste of time if your friends have to watch the whole video and the interesting part perhaps is only a few seconds in the middle of the clip. 

Try a little trick here to allow you to direct your friends to the funny and interesting YouTube video at the specific time when the funny part is showing.
              What you need to do is just add the following tag at the end of the video’s URL: url: #t=01m28s. With this new tag added in, it means the video clip will automatically play at the 1st minute and 28th second.

For instance, let’s see the example below: The original video’s URL is as follow:

After adding the tag, it becomes: 

Users can change the numeric number accordingly to determine minutes and seconds they want.

With this tag added to the URL, users can send it to friends and others.

When they click on it, it will automatic play the video at the specific time.

Increase Connection Limits in Internet Explorer 8

The number of files that you can download simultaneously in Internet Explorer 7 or earlier versions is limited to 2 by default.

When Internet Explorer 8 is released, this limitation has been increased to 6.

Although the default connection allowed at one time has been increased significantly,

but if you think that it still can’t fulfill your requirement and you want it to be more, you can actually increase it to up to 10 connections at one time.

To increase the number of files that can be downloaded simultaneously to 8 in Internet Explorer 8, it can be done via simple registry hack as shown below:

1. Open notepad.

2. Copy below string and paste it into notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

3. One thing to take note here. Once you have copied the string to notepad, delete both ” (double quote) and retype. Without doing so could cause the value fail to be added into registry due to the double quote copy from the webpage is different from what you type manually. Save the notepad as “IncreaseConIE8.reg” with Save as type is “All Files”.

4. Double click the registry file, continue with UAC prompt and click OK to confirm you wish to perform the action.

Once you have completed the above steps, you should be able to download 10 files simultaneously by using Internet Explorer 8.

Make Money with Google Adsense

I'M going to explain make money using Google Adsense. It is very easy to make money using Google Adsense account.

First of all create a new Google Adsense account by visiting URL below.

Requirement for creating Google Adsense account is a web site or a blog.

I recommend you to create a blog on Google team will review your Blog or Web Site and your Google Adsense account will be approved by them.

After creating Google Adsense account I recommend you 2 major websites which will helpful for generating revenue via Google Adsense.

I think this is a great site offers you to add photos by creating an account on

It will ask Your Google Adsense Publisher ID and your Google Adsense ads will appear on every photo added by you.

You can see your Google Adsense Publisher ID by logging in Google Adsense account. gives you 100% revenue of your Google Adsense.

This is another good site to generate revenue by using Google Adsense.

             When you will create new account at It will ask you some information about your Google Adsense but not password. 

They are affiliated with Google Adsense services. You can also see a banner "Powered by Google Adsense" at this site.

You can add Photos and Videos (using You Tube). You can write your own blogs.

Every where you can see your own Google Ads. So visitors of this site can click on your ads and you can get money. I hope this information is enough to earn money.

I know people who are earning money using only these two web sites. Believe me it will work if you will try these site. Best of luck.